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Meet The Night Child!

Meet Dug!
Doug by birth, but DUG to properly fit his name in the 3 letter name allotment for High Scores at the arcade.
While other 12 year olds are careening into puberty, Dug is more of what you’d call a “late bloomer”.
He’s still more interested in video games, riding his BMX, fireworks, and making crude animation flip books of animals pooping and farting, than the opposite sex.
While other 12 year olds are careening into puberty, Dug is more of what you’d call a “late bloomer”.
He’s still more interested in video games, riding his BMX, fireworks, and making crude animation flip books of animals pooping and farting, than the opposite sex.

Meet Wyatt!
Dug’s older brother Wyatt just turned 18 and cannot wait to graduate from high-school. He has big plans of hitting it big with his Hard Rock band and enjoying the rock nʻ roll life of partying and groupies.

Meet Mary!
Mary is Wyattʻs new girlfriend. Freshly 18, sheʻs been living on her own for almost a year, due to some fundamental belief differences with her family. Sheʻs open to the adventures and lessons life has to offer. Soft and sweet on the surface, Mary is tough at heart.

Meet Fatt!
Dug’s best friend, Fatt is firmly planted in his hormonal awakening. His interests are hanging at the convenience store, people watching, shooting cans and bottles with his BB gun, and good music.

Meet Mel!
Dug’s other best friend, Mel is a brain at heart. When he’s not reading comics at the convenience store, or roaming the neighborhood with his friends and his dog Grumbles, he’s busy at home tinkering on his electronics projects and working on his own Sci-Fi comic book.

Meet Grumbles!
Grumbles is Melʻs trusty mastiff and the official 4th best friend in Dug, Mel, and Fattʻs group. Grumbles is his own person and would do anything to protect his friends.
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